GPRS setting on mobile phone to M3 users
Manual Setting
Connection Name : M3-GPRS
Data Bearer : GPRS
Access Point Name :
Username : gprs
password : im3
IP address :
homepage :
Connection security : off
session mode : permanent
others setting are default, don't change it!
At the above are setting for volume based internet access. Volume based internet access on M3 is cheaper than other operators. 1 kB = Rp. 1,-
If you want change the volume based internet access to time based internet access, you have to change username dan password only.
Username : indosat@durasi
password : indosat@durasi
The charge price for this internet access is Rp. 100,-/minute.
So, very cheap, isn't it?
Automatic setting / Over The Air Setting (OTA)
Send sms to 3000 (free)
Type: GPRS (space) Handset Brand (space) Handset Type
GPRS (volume based) setting: GPRS Nokia E61 send to 3000
GPRS (duration based) setting: durasi nokia E61 send to 3000
MMS setting: MMS Nokia E61 send to 3000
3G setting: 3g Nokia E61 send to 3000
You can find handset setting for m3 users completely at
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