GPRS setting on mobile phone to XL users
Connection Name : XL-GPRS
Data Bearer : GPRS
Access Point Name :
Username : xlgprs
password : proxl
IP address :
homepage :
Connection security : off
session mode : permanent
others setting are default, don't change it!
If you want for setting your handset quickly, and you feel difficult to set it, you should try this way. OTA ( Over The Air) setting is a quick methode for setting GPRS or MMS for your handset. Just Type a sms: GPRS (space) Handset Brand (space) Handset Type and send to 9667
Example: GPRS Nokia E61
and then send to 9667
In several second, you will get notification from XL. You must enter default PIN number 1111, and follow the next instruction.
SMS charge for OTA setting only IDR 350/sms
You can read the manual and OTA GPRS or MMS Setting completely at
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