I you have not any time to write blog, now the solution for this situation have been solved. Do you know if you can write your blog from your mobile phone and send the draft via email.'Wow....is great!'
How i can do it?
first you must have the mobile phone that support email pop3 or imap4. You must setting the mobile email like that have been explained clearly in other articles about setting mobile email in this blog.
second you must setting your blog. We take an example from blogspot.com . In this blog provider, there are many setting indeed. Ones of setting is email settiing. You must klik 'EMAIL' in sub toolbar of setting. If have opened, you must ener username in menu 'mail to blogger'. For example if you use email address sonix@yahoo.com , in the menu is written sonix. .....@blogger.com .
you must fulfill the blank spot in the before symbol '@'. If you like to use word halo for username. So the email addrees to blogger become sonix.halo@blogger.com
you can compose a blog draft via email to email address: sonix.halo@blogger.com ,and also at this time your blog have been updated.
of course, the cost with this method is cheaper than using internet in PC. Other benefit from this method is time efficient and effectiveness.
so you can write and update your blog anywhere, anytime as long as you want.
Let's we write......!